July 24, 2012

Feng Shui Tips for Your Bedroom

Find a good potential for Feng Shui in your bedroom? You can find the answer to these questions here. Since we need to collect at home strength and energy for our personal and professional lives, it is
is required for all elements in the arrangement of the bedroom, to give a feeling of coziness.

Beige Feng Shui bedroom

Feng Shui Tips - Bedroom with soft cushions
Make sure that there is a large amount of pillows in the bedroom, soft blankets, long curtains or drapes - everything helps that you do not want to leave the bedroom. In the bedroom, where we could relax, can not miss the soft carpet. Who does not like a soft carpet on the entire floor? Or you can Vorlieger preferably on both sides of the bed, according to the philosophy of Feng Shui symbol of their connection, such a partnership. According to Feng Shui tips in the bedroom the headboard will give you a sense of security.

Feng Shui bedroom with soft headboard

Modern Feng Shui bedroom in blue and white

wonderful Feng Shui Bedroom Decoration

How to set up the bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui tips? Ideally, according to Feng Shui in the bedroom, the bed is placed in the middle of a wall. When the bed is away from the wall or in the center of the interior, called the Feng Shui bed drifting. The couple is sleeping, lack of ... a clear goal in life. Experts advise to put a sofa opposite also according to Feng Shui. In their view, this gives the impression of tentativeness and life endurance missing. Why not? Try your bedroom according to Feng Shui tips to set up.
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